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- *fold.txt* For Vim version 6.0. Last change: 2001 Sep 18
- VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Bram Moolenaar
- Folding *Folding* *folding*
- You can find an introduction on folding in chapter 28 of the user manual.
- |usr_28.txt|
- 1. Fold methods |fold-methods|
- 2. Fold commands |fold-commands|
- 3. Fold options |fold-options|
- 4. Behavior of folds |fold-behavior|
- {Vi has no Folding}
- {not available when compiled without the +folding feature}
- ==============================================================================
- 1. Fold methods *fold-methods*
- The folding method can be set with the 'foldmethod' option.
- When setting 'foldmethod' to a value other than "manual", all folds are
- deleted and new ones created. Switching to the "manual" method doesn't remove
- the existing folds. This can be used to first define the folds automatically
- and then change them manually.
- There are six methods to select folds:
- manual manually define folds
- indent more indent means a higher fold level
- expr specify an expression to define folds
- syntax folds defined by syntax highlighting
- diff folds for unchanged text
- marker folds defined by markers in the text
- MANUAL *fold-manual*
- Use commands to manually define the fold regions. This can also be used by a
- script that parses text to find folds.
- The level of a fold is only defined by its nesting. To increase the fold
- level of a fold for a range of lines, define a fold inside it that has the
- same lines.
- The manual folds are lost when you abandon the file. To save the folds use
- the |:mkview| command. The view can be restored later with |:loadview|.
- INDENT *fold-indent*
- The folds are automatically defined by the indent of the lines.
- The foldlevel is computed from the indent of the line, divided by the
- 'shiftwidth' (rounded down). A sequence of lines with the same or higher fold
- level form a fold, with the lines with a higher level forming a nested fold.
- The nesting of folds is limited with 'foldnestmax'.
- Some lines are ignored and get the fold level of the line above or below it,
- whatever is the lowest. These are empty or white lines and lines starting
- with a character in 'foldignore'. White space is skipped before checking for
- characters in 'foldignore'. For C use "#" to ignore preprocessor lines.
- When you want to ignore lines in another way, use the 'expr' method. The
- |indent()| function can be used in 'foldexpr' to get the indent of a line.
- EXPR *fold-expr*
- The folds are automatically defined by their foldlevel, like with the "indent"
- method. The value of the 'foldexpr' option is evaluated to get the foldlevel
- of a line. Examples:
- This will create a fold for all consecutive lines that start with a Tab: >
- :set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)[0]==\"\\t\"
- This will call a function to compute the fold level: >
- :set foldexpr=MyFoldLevel(v:lnum)
- This will make a fold out of paragraphs separated by blank lines: >
- :set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'^\\s*$'&&getline(v:lnum+1)=~'\\S'?'<1':1
- this does the same: >
- :set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum-1)=~'^\\s*$'&&getline(v:lnum)=~'\\S'?'>1':1
- Note that backslashes must be used to escape characters that ":set" handles
- differently (space, backslash, double quote, etc., see |option-backslash|).
- These are the conditions with which the expression is evaluated:
- - The current buffer and window are set for the line.
- - The variable "v:lnum" is set to the line number.
- - The result is used for the fold level in this way:
- value meaning ~
- 0 the line is not in a fold
- 1, 2, .. the line is in a fold with this level
- -1 the fold level is undefined, use the fold level of a
- line before or after this line, whichever is the
- lowest.
- "=" use fold level from the previous line
- "a1", "a2", .. add one, two, .. to the fold level of the previous
- line
- "s1", "s2", .. subtract one, two, .. from the fold level of the
- previous line
- "<1", "<2", .. a fold with this level ends at this line
- ">1", ">2", .. a fold with this level starts at this line
- It is not required to mark the start (end) of a fold with ">1" ("<1"), a fold
- will also start (end) when the fold level is higher (lower) than the fold
- level of the previous line.
- There must be no side effects from the expression. The text in the buffer,
- cursor position, the search patterns, options etc. must not be changed.
- If there is some error in the expression, or the resulting value isn't
- recognized, there is no error message and the fold level will be zero.
- For debugging the 'debug' option can be set to "msg", the error messages will
- be visible then.
- Note: Since the expression has to be evaluated for every line, this fold
- method can be very slow!
- Try to avoid the "=", "a" and "s" return values, since Vim often has to search
- backwards for a line for which the fold level is defined. Using foldlevel()
- can help here. Example: >
- " extra is level compared to previous line
- let lvl = foldlevel(v:lnum - 1)
- if lvl >= 0
- return lvl + extra
- endif
- " return "=", "a" or "s"
- SYNTAX *fold-syntax*
- A fold is defined by syntax items that have the "fold" argument. |:syn-fold|
- The fold level is defined by nesting folds. The nesting of folds is limited
- with 'foldnestmax'.
- DIFF *fold-diff*
- The folds are automatically defined for text that is not part of a change or
- close to a change.
- This method only works properly when the 'diff' option is set for the current
- window and changes are being displayed. Otherwise the whole buffer will be
- one big fold.
- The 'diffopt' option can be used to specify the context. That is, the number
- of lines between the fold and a change that are not included in the fold. For
- example, to use a context of 8 lines: >
- :set diffopt=filler,context:8
- The default context is six lines.
- MARKER *fold-marker*
- Markers in the text tell where folds start and end. This allows you to
- precisely specify the folds. This will allow deleting and putting a fold,
- without the risk of including the wrong lines. The 'foldtext' option is
- normally set such that the text before the marker shows up in the folded line.
- This makes it possible to give a name to the fold.
- Markers can have a level included, or can use matching pairs. Including a
- level is easier, you don't have to add end markers and avoid problems with
- non-matching marker pairs. Example: >
- /* global variables {{{1 */
- int varA, varB;
- /* functions {{{1 */
- /* funcA() {{{2 */
- void funcA() {}
- /* funcB() {{{2 */
- void funcB() {}
- A fold starts at a "{{{" marker. The following number specifies the fold
- level. What happens depends on the difference between the current fold level
- and the level given by the marker:
- 1. If a marker with the same fold level is encountered, the previous fold
- ends and another fold with the same level starts.
- 2. If a marker with a higher fold level is found, a nested fold is started.
- 3. if a marker with a lower fold level is found, all folds up to and including
- this level end and a fold with the specified level starts.
- The number indicates the fold level. A zero cannot be used.
- You can use "}}}" with a digit to indicate the level of the fold that
- ends. The fold level of the following line will be one less than the
- indicated level. Note that Vim doesn't look back to the level of the matching
- marker (that would take too much time). Example: >
- {{{1
- fold level here is 1
- {{{3
- fold level here is 3
- }}}3
- fold level here is 2
- You can also use matching pairs of "{{{" and "}}}" markers to define folds.
- Each "{{{" increases the fold level by one, each "}}}" decreases the fold
- level by one. Be careful to keep the markers matching! Example: >
- {{{
- fold level here is 1
- {{{
- fold level here is 2
- }}}
- fold level here is 1
- You can mix using markers with a number and without a number. A useful way of
- doing this is to use numbered markers for large folds, and unnumbered markers
- locally in a function. For example use level one folds for the sections of
- your file like "structure definitions", "local variables" and "functions".
- Use level 2 markers for each definition and function, Use unnumbered markers
- inside functions. When you make changes in a function to split up folds, you
- don't have to renumber the markers.
- The markers can be set with the 'foldmarker' option. It is recommended to
- keep this at the default value of "{{{,}}}", so that files can be exchanged
- between Vim users. Only change it when it is required for the file (e.g., it
- contains markers from another folding editor, or the default markers cause
- trouble for the language of the file).
- *fold-create-marker*
- "zf" can be used to create a fold defined by markers. Vim will insert the
- markers for you. Vim will append the start and end marker, as specified with
- 'foldmarker'. The markers are appended to the end of the line.
- 'commentstring' is used if it isn't empty.
- This does not work properly when:
- - The line already contains a marker with a level number. Vim then doesn't
- know what to do.
- - Folds nearby use a level number in their marker which gets in the way.
- - The line is inside a comment, 'commentstring' isn't empty and nested
- comments don't work. For example with C: adding /* {{{ */ inside a comment
- will truncate the existing comment. Either put the marker before or after
- the comment, or add the marker manually.
- Generally it's not a good idea to let Vim create markers when you already have
- markers with a level number.
- *fold-delete-marker*
- "zd" can be used to delete a fold defined by markers. Vim will delete the
- markers for you. Vim will search for the start and end markers, as specified
- with 'foldmarker', at the start and end of the fold. When the text around the
- marker matches with 'commentstring', that text is deleted as well.
- This does not work properly when:
- - A line contains more than one marker and one of them specifies a level.
- Only the first one is removed, without checking if this will have the
- desired effect of deleting the fold.
- - The marker contains a level number and is used to start or end several folds
- at the same time.
- ==============================================================================
- 2. Fold commands *fold-commands*
- All folding commands start with "z". Hint: the "z" looks like a folded piece
- of paper, if you look at it from the side.
- *zf* *E350*
- zf{motion} or
- {Visual}zf Operator to create a fold.
- This only works when 'foldmethod' is "manual" or "marker".
- The new fold will be closed for the "manual" method.
- 'foldenable' will be set.
- Also see |fold-create-marker|.
- *zF*
- zF Create a fold for N lines. Works like "zf".
- :{range}fo[ld] *:fold* *:fo*
- Create a fold for the lines in {range}. Works like "zf".
- *zd* *E351*
- zd Delete one fold at the cursor. When the cursor is on folded
- line, that fold is deleted. Nested folds are moved one level
- up. In Visual mode all folds (partially) in the selected area
- are deleted. Careful: This easily deletes more folds than you
- expect and there is no undo.
- This only works when 'foldmethod' is "manual" or "marker".
- Also see |fold-delete-marker|.
- *zD*
- zD Delete folds recursively at the cursor. In Visual mode all
- folds (partially) in the selected area and all nested folds in
- them are deleted.
- This only works when 'foldmethod' is "manual" or "marker".
- Also see |fold-delete-marker|.
- *zE* *E352*
- zE Eliminate all folds in the window.
- This only works when 'foldmethod' is "manual" or "marker".
- Also see |fold-delete-marker|.
- *zo*
- zo Open one fold under the cursor. When a count is given, that
- many folds deep will be opened. In Visual mode one level of
- folds is opened for all lines in the selected area.
- *zO*
- zO Open all folds under the cursor recursively. In Visual mode
- it opens all folds that are in the selected area, also those
- that are only partly selected.
- *zc*
- zc Close one fold under the cursor. When a count is given, that
- many folds deep are closed. In Visual mode one level of folds
- is closed for all lines in the selected area.
- 'foldenable' will be set.
- *zC*
- zC Close all folds under the cursor recursively. In Visual mode
- it closes all folds that are in the selected area, also those
- that are only partly selected.
- 'foldenable' will be set.
- *za*
- za When on a closed fold: open it. When folds are nested, you
- may have to use "za" several times. When a count is given,
- that many closed folds are opened.
- When on an open fold: close it and set 'foldenable'. This
- will only close one level, since using "za" again will open
- the fold. When a count is given that many folds will be
- closed (that's not the same as repeating "za" that many
- times).
- *zA*
- zA When on a closed fold: open it recursively.
- When on an open fold: close it recursively and set
- 'foldenable'.
- *zv*
- zv View cursor line: Open just enough folds to make the line in
- which the cursor is located not folded.
- *zx*
- zx Update folds: Undo manually opened and closed folds: re-apply
- 'foldlevel', then do "zv": View cursor line.
- *zX*
- zX Undo manually opened and closed folds: re-apply 'foldlevel'.
- *zm*
- zm Fold more: Subtract one from 'foldlevel'. If 'foldlevel' was
- already zero nothing happens.
- 'foldenable' will be set.
- *zM*
- zM Close all folds: set 'foldlevel' to 0.
- 'foldenable' will be set.
- *zr*
- zr Reduce folding: Add one to 'foldlevel'.
- *zR*
- zR Open all folds. This sets 'foldlevel' to highest fold level.
- *:foldo* *:foldopen*
- :{range}foldo[pen][!]
- Open folds in {range}. When [!] is added all folds are
- opened. Useful to see all the text in {range}. Without [!]
- one level of folds is opened.
- *:foldc* *:foldclose*
- :{range}foldc[lose][!]
- Close folds in {range}. When [!] is added all folds are
- closed. Useful to hide all the text in {range}. Without [!]
- one level of folds is closed.
- *zn*
- zn Fold none: reset 'foldenable'. All folds will be open.
- *zN*
- zN Fold normal: set 'foldenable'. All folds will be as they
- were before.
- *zi*
- zi Invert 'foldenable'.
- *[z*
- [z Move to the start of the current open fold. If already at the
- start, move to the start of the fold that contains it. If
- there is no containing fold, the command fails.
- When a count is used, repeats the command N times.
- *]z*
- ]z Move to the end of the current open fold. If already at the
- end, move to the end of the fold that contains it. If there
- is no containing fold, the command fails.
- When a count is used, repeats the command N times.
- *zj*
- zj Move downwards. to the start of the next fold. A closed fold
- is counted as one fold.
- When a count is used, repeats the command N times.
- *zk*
- zk Move upwards to the end of the previous fold. A closed fold
- is counted as one fold.
- When a count is used, repeats the command N times.
- :[range]foldd[oopen] {cmd} *:foldd* *:folddoopen*
- Execute {cmd} on all lines that are not in a closed fold.
- When [range] is given, only these lines are used.
- Each time {cmd} is executed the cursor is positioned on the
- line it is executed for.
- This works like the ":global" command: First all lines that
- are not in a closed fold are marked. Then the {cmd} is
- executed for all marked lines. Thus when {cmd} changes the
- folds, this has no influence on where it is executed (except
- when lines are deleted, of course).
- Example: >
- :folddoopen s/end/loop_end/ge
- < Note the use of the "e" flag to avoid getting an error message
- where "end" doesn't match.
- :[range]folddoc[losed] {cmd} *:folddoc* *:folddoclosed*
- Execute {cmd} on all lines that are in a closed fold.
- Otherwise like ":folddoopen".
- ==============================================================================
- 3. Fold options *fold-options*
- COLORS *fold-colors*
- The colors of a closed fold are set with the Folded group |hl-Folded|. The
- colors of the fold column are set with the FoldColumn group |hl-FoldColumn|.
- Example to set the colors: >
- :highlight Folded guibg=grey guifg=blue
- :highlight FoldColumn guibg=darkgrey guifg=white
- FOLDLEVEL *fold-foldlevel*
- 'foldlevel' is a number option: The higher the more folded regions are open.
- When 'foldlevel' is 0, all folds are closed.
- When 'foldlevel' is positive, some folds closed.
- When 'foldlevel' is very high, all folds are open.
- 'foldlevel' is applied when it is changed. After that manually folds can be
- opened and closed.
- When increased, folds above the new level are opened. No manually opened
- folds will be closed.
- When decreased, folds above the new level are closed. No manually closed
- folds will be opened.
- FOLDTEXT *fold-foldtext*
- 'foldtext' is a string option that specifies an expression. This expression
- is evaluated to obtain the text displayed for a closed fold. Example: >
- :set foldtext=v:folddashes.substitute(getline(v:foldstart),'/\\*\\\|\\*/\\\|{{{\\d\\=','','g')
- This shows the first line of the fold, with "/*", "*/" and "{{{" removed.
- Note the use of backslashes to avoid some characters to be interpreted by the
- ":set" command. It's simpler to define a function and call that: >
- :set foldtext=MyFoldText()
- :function MyFoldText()
- : let line = getline(v:foldstart)
- : let sub = substitute(line, '/\*\|\*/\|{{{\d\=', '', 'g')
- : return v:folddashes . sub
- :endfunction
- Evaluating 'foldtext' is done in the |sandbox|. The current window is set to
- the window that displays the line. Errors are ignored.
- The default value is |foldtext()|. This returns a reasonable text for most
- types of folding. If you don't like it, you can specify your own 'foldtext'
- expression. It can use these special Vim variables:
- v:foldstart line number of first line in the fold
- v:foldend line number of last line in the fold
- v:folddashes a string that contains dashes to represent the
- foldlevel.
- v:foldlevel the foldlevel of the fold
- In the result a TAB is replaced with a space and unprintable characters are
- made into printable characters.
- The resulting line is truncated to fit in the window, it never wraps.
- When there is room after the text, it is filled with the character specified
- by 'fillchars'.
- Note that backslashes need to be used for characters that the ":set" command
- handles differently: Space, backslash and double-quote. |option-backslash|
- FOLDCOLUMN *fold-foldcolumn*
- 'foldcolumn' is a number, which sets the width for a column on the side of the
- window to indicate folds. When it is zero, there is no foldcolumn. A normal
- value is 4 or 5. The minimal useful value is 2. The maximum is 12.
- An open fold is indicated with a column that has a '-' at the top and '|'
- characters below it. This column stops where the open fold stops. When folds
- nest, the nested fold is one character right of the fold it's contained in.
- A closed fold is indicated with a '+'.
- Where the fold column is too narrow to display all nested folds, digits are
- shown to indicate the nesting level.
- The mouse can also be used to open and close folds by clicking in the
- fold column:
- - Click on a '+' to open the closed fold at this row.
- - Click on any other non-blank character to close the open fold at this row
- 'foldenable' 'fen': Open all folds while set.
- 'foldexpr' 'fde': Expression used for "expr" folding.
- 'foldignore' 'fdi': Characters used for "indent" folding.
- 'foldmarker' 'fmr': Defined markers used for "marker" folding.
- 'foldmethod' 'fdm': Name of the current folding method.
- 'foldminlines' 'fml': Minimum number of screen lines for a fold to be
- displayed closed.
- 'foldnestmax' 'fdn': Maximum nesting for "indent" and "syntax" folding.
- 'foldopen' 'fdo': Which kinds of commands open closed folds.
- 'foldclose' 'fcl': When the folds not under the cursor are closed.
- ==============================================================================
- 4. Behavior of folds *fold-behavior*
- When moving the cursor upwards or downwards and when scrolling, the cursor
- will move to the first line of a sequence of folded lines. When the cursor is
- already on a folded line, it moves to the next unfolded line or the next
- closed fold.
- While the cursor is on folded lines, the cursor is always displayed in the
- first column. The ruler does show the actual cursor position, but since the
- line is folded, it cannot be displayed there.
- Movement commands handle a sequence of folded lines like an empty line. For
- example, the "w" command stops once in the first column.
- When in Insert mode, the cursor line is never folded. That allows you to see
- what you type!
- When using an operator, a closed fold is included as a whole. Thus "dl"
- deletes the whole closed fold under the cursor.
- For Ex commands the range is adjusted to always start at the first line of a
- fold and end at the last line of a fold. Thus this command: >
- :s/foo/bar/g
- when used with the cursor on a closed fold, will replace "foo" with "bar" in
- all lines of the fold.
- This does not happen for |:folddoopen| and |:folddoclosed|.
- When editing a buffer that has been edited before, the last used folding
- settings are used again. For manual folding the defined folds are restored.
- For all folding methods the manually opened and closed folds are restored.
- If this buffer has been edited in this window, the values from back then are
- used. Otherwise the values from the window where the buffer was edited last
- are used.
- ==============================================================================
- vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: